===== Usage ===== Graphical User Interface ------------------------ To run **Search in API** with graphical user interface:: $ search_in_api Command Line ------------ To run **Search in API** in a command line with dialog inputs:: $ search_in_api --command-line Enter API URL for the first page: https://example.com/api/songs.xml Enter tag to search for: title Enter value to search for: Journey Searching... API pages with the search result: https://example.com/api/songs.xml?page=7 https://example.com/api/songs.xml?page=12 Finished. Bash Script ------------ To run **Search in API** in a bash script:: $ search_in_api --url="https://example.com/api/songs.xml" \ --tag="title" --value="Journey" https://example.com/api/songs.xml?page=7 https://example.com/api/songs.xml?page=12 Python Code ------------ To use **Search in API** in a Python project:: from search_in_api.search_in_api import search_for_string api_page_urls = search_for_string( url="https://example.com/api/songs.xml", tag="title", value="Journey", ) assert api_page_urls == ["https://example.com/api/songs.xml?page=7", "https://example.com/api/songs.xml?page=12"]